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Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2014

Full List Of 2014 World's Best Universities

Massachusetts institute of technology
Massachusetts institute of technology

I can't really say I didn't expect this, but I am posting this to create awareness about the status of the Nigerian educational sector. It's a very important sector of the Nigerian economy as "education is the best legacy" for not just a child but for Nigerian, both young and old. I'm sorry I have to say this but the truth is the Nigerian educational sector [not just university but all centers of learning generally] is getting worse day by day. Agreed ASUU is working on the whole dilapidated state of the Nigerian universities but they just need to read this very recent reports gathered on the "2014 World's Best Universities", perhaps it would waken them up a little to their responsibilities.

According to recent reports gathered by Times Higher Education,the 2014 list of world's best universities featured not even a single Nigerian university but rather 13 United States universities;SEE THE FULL REPORTS ON 2014 WORLD'S BEST UNIVERSITIES BELOW...