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Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2014

Lupita Nyong'o Speaks On Black Beauty!

lupita nyong'o speech on black beauty
Lupita Nyong'o

Everyone would admit Lupita Nyong'o is more or less the African Kim Kardashian, she's just getting more popular than you can ever imagine just from a singular act in a SINGLE MOVIE. What does this tells you?! ,in life do whatever you find yourself doing very well, add all the passion, interest and zeal and you never know you may be the next Ben Carson, Leornado da Vinci or even David Beckham e.t.c.

The hollywood star, Lupita Nyong'o gave a very moving and incredible speech on beauty in the days leading up to the Academy Awards. At a luncheon for Black Womem in Hollywood hosted by Essence Magazine, Lupita Nyong'o spoke of her struggles with low-esteem and her quest to finding and understanding true beauty.

According to Lupita Nyong'o's speech on black beauty and low-esteem.....