Austin Malone Is Selena Gomez's Current Date |
Are you a Beliber?!You are certainly gonna cry!
There's been
news rumour that Austin Malone has been dating
Justin Beiber's wifey,Selena Gomez.
The 17 years old,Austin Malone has come out to debunk the rumour that has been out for days.
He wouldn't dare
Justin Beiber's Kanye West's hot
According to Malone,he's currently dating the "Come and Get It " singer,and he and Selena Gomez just hang around in Los Angeles.
Austin Malone also said Selena Gomez is pretty but nothing intimate is goin' on amongst them.
An anonymous eye has it that Austin and Selena are dating!
Also,they have soooo much respected for each other and of course they are intimate.
Selena Gomez and Austin Malone were introduced to one another by Taylor Swift and they are currently at the Beats concert on January 24,in no place but Los Angeles.
Sooo it's you Taylor Swift,you are the one behind that seXXXy mask!Don't worry,Justin Beiber's coming to get you!